Using the Right Tools MattersIt's no secret that programmers can be an odd bunch, working long hours, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and passionate about their tools of choice. Paul's decades of experience afford him the ability to remain generally agnostic about the language he uses for a project. When the choice is open for consideration, Paul leans strongly towards non-proprietary, open-source solutions to help future-proof your project from vendor lock-in. Remember those "Internet Explorer Only" websites? Where are they now? Chances are that every one of them that is still in business has stripped out the proprietary and limiting code in favor of standards-compliant and vendor-neutral solutions. In a similar manner, by avoiding the use of tools that are far removed from the underlying code they generate or that are locked in to a particular vendor, we are in a better position to produce code for your project is clean, efficient, and maintainable by humans. A classical approach to programming shines proudly in stark contrast to the "easy" predigested solutions which often carry hidden future costs which are not often considered when only short-term thinking is applied. Solid, honest, and reliable code will endure the test of time. | Custom ProgrammmingCount on Appaloosa as a reliable and competent partner for your custom programming project. Paul has been programming computers since 1976 and is well versed in numerous language, with particular emphasis on PHP, MySQL, and Javascript. Paul is an "old school" style programmer, able to write code without the need for drag-and-drop visual tools, instead able to author solid, readable, and maintainable code in a wide variety of languages. We are skilled in new development, ongoing maintenance, and troubleshooting. PHP, MySQL, Javascript, COBOL, Basic, Fortran, Pascal, or C/C++, count on our years of experience to address your project needs efficiently, professionally, and affordably. Free Initial ConsultationContact us to arrange for a free initial consultation. If you are located in the Portland, Salem, Albany, Corvallis or Eugene metropolitan areas, we can arrange to meet you in person, also at no charge. |